We always end our trips with a short safari at one of the beautiful Kenyan park lodges. This year we were at Amboseli, next to the Tanzanian border and got to see some amazing animals.
Some shots from the van on our way there:
Some shots from the van on our way there:
A small peek at the Kibera slum where about 1 million people live. It's the largest slum in Africa.
Furniture store.
This doesn't begin to capture the huge numbers of trucks on the Mombasa road which is THE road from Nairobi to Mombasa on the coast. A railway is being built which may decrease truck traffic - we'll see.
Typical cinder block construction with scaffolding make of wood.
Now we're in Amboseli Park. I love their direction signposts.
One of our other vans with Lindsay and Everett in the front seat.
We saw hundreds of zebras and many were pregnant - the one on the right is probably one of those.
We all loved, loved, loved the elephants, especially when we came upon this grouping that had a baby with it. Hopefully I'll get a video posted later in this blog.
Elephant resting her trunk on her tusk. Our driver said she's probably old.
This is as close as we could get to hundreds and hundreds of flamingos. Look for the pink line between the water and the sky.
Today we'll be doing some shopping, I'll get to see my friend Julisa one more time, and then it's off to the airport for the long plane flights home.