Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Jamii School - 2nd Day

No rain today in Eldoret. One of our drivers says that he hopes it means the rainy season is over. We're loving the sun but it was also getting pretty hot today :-)

We spend 5 nights in Eldoret - 3 days of Vacation Bible School with the kids (and their teachers too, thankfully; I don't think I'm up to the task of managing a class of 60 1st graders by myself!) and then on Thursday, we'll be here for the dedication of the school building.

A couple of "on the road to the school' photos. There seem to be a lot of paint advertisements on fences and buildings.

 Abandoned buildings.

We drop Hans off every morning at another hotel where he is teaching his Eldoret Bible classes. Miriam saw this car and its registration plate and said, "That's our old car!" It's been about 14 years or so since they lived here :-)

Part of the morning welcoming crew.

Two of the architects who designed the school are on the trip with us, and painting as much of the school as they can while they're here. Joseph, one of the school workers, is a willing volunteer as well.

Basilus, a school director along with his wife Esther, has his hands full.  Behind him is a newly painted wall and colorful door.

Teacher Paul is taking his turn on baby duty.

A main component of a Kenyan meal is ugali - cooked cornmeal that's a bit like grits. It's no easy task to cook for all the kids and teachers - over 600 people.  The woman is prepping kale - also a cooked favorite.

Well it's time for bed and the internet is dicey. More later...

1 comment:

  1. Judy- I love your blog and what you're doing to help out!
