Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekend with the Rowes

Saturday was a pretty low key day of hanging around the house, doing some prep work for a couple of events and generally catching up with Julisa.

This is the house the Rowe family are currently renting.  They've bought property nearby which they will start building on soon.  It's near the Daystar Athi River campus where Bill teaches but is quite far from the downtown campus where Julisa teaches - plus many places they need to get to regularly are downtown as well.

Rafiki (Swahili for "friend") decided my bed is a cozy place to sleep.  Last night I had 2 cats vying for the rights to sleep there.

When we drive the backroads to get there, we travel through a bit of desolate territory.  These are what the family has dubbed the "Wheatabix" rocks. Sorry I don't have a picture of the real Wheatabix - but they're basically like Shredded Wheat…

On the first day we saw some giraffes and zebras off in the distance.   More animals to come I'm sure.

Sunday morning we went to Mamlaka Bible Chapel for church.

At noon there was a drama team meeting, where I led theatre games for about an hour with about 25 people.  We had a blast!

At the end of the meeting, the team surprised Bill and Julisa with a cake for their 23rd anniversary, which was last Sunday.

Now it's Monday morning.  Julisa is rehearsing for the TV show at the National Theatre, and I'm ensconced at the Fairmont Hotel across the street - comfort and internet access :-)  The rest of the team is winging its way here, and I'll meet them at the guesthouse tonight.

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